The choice of flooring can immediately accent or detract from a space. By simply changing the look and texture of the floor, one can change the entire feel of the room. Flooring is extremely important in any space, and Royalty Carpet is the perfect fit for any home or business.
Located in Phoenix, Arizona, Carpet Closeouts offers carpeting for residential and light commercial spaces. We offer a wide selection of quality discount flooring to choose from, including great Royalty Carpets. Within this selection, you will find carpeting that will perfectly accent any space. Available colors and designs range from off-white shades to deep, dark brown hues, and from solid color selections to patterned and striped blends of several colors. No matter what you’re looking for, Royalty Carpet offers a shorter and more durable look while providing a plusher, softer feel.
Royalty Carpets will look amazing in any space, but they do so much more than simply add to the aesthetics of a room. These carpets are environmentally friendly, making them a great choice for anyone who loves to help the environment in whatever way they can. They are made from durable, stain-resistant nylon to retain that “new” look. Plus, Royalty Carpets last much longer than other carpet options, meaning carpet needs to be replaced less often, in turn leaving a smaller environmental footprint.
Browse the full line of Royalty Carpet options to see all the discount flooring options for customers in Phoenix, or call Carper Closeouts today at 602-493-7700 to learn more.