How To Keep Your Carpets Fresh

a puppy near a wet spot on a rug

We’ve all been there- you notice a stain from last week’s pasta dinner, or when you go to pick up a blanket, you realize that your carpet doesn’t smell as good as the rest of your home. It happens to all of us; that’s why we’ve compiled some tips on keeping your carpets fresh!

First Things First

The first step is assessing if this requires immediate intervention or if it’s been building over time. For quick tips on immediate messes like wine spilling, check out our tips here! If it’s the case of your carpet needs a freshening up, start by cleaning your vacuum out, and then giving your carpet a good vacuum.

Identify the Cause

There can be several reasons for an unfresh carpet, such as: pets, kids, adults, spills, high traffic, shoes…the list goes on!

Certain smells or causes need certain treatments. For example, if your pet has an accident on the carpet, you’ll need a specific enzyme cleaner to alleviate that scent.

If your carpets just need a bit of a pick-me-up, you can create a deodorizer with baking soda. For added freshness, you can add a few drops of essential oil! Sprinkle the mixture over the carpet and leave it for a few hours before vacuuming! A NOTE:  before you use any harsh chemicals or essential oils, consider the following:

  1. Some chemicals can negatively impact your carpet. It’s always best to double-check and test a small area first.
  2. Certain essential oils are toxic to pets. When in doubt, call your vet prior to use. You can also let them know you’re looking to alleviate the scent of a pet accident! Your vet will likely suggest some pet-safe products that not only freshen up the carpet, but prevent future accidents!


After you vacuum, there are certain actions you can take to ensure your carpet stays fresh. We have some tips on protecting your floors here, but the main ones are:

  1. Take off any shoes as soon as you enter the house, and place them on a rubber shoe mat.
  2. Immediately deal with any spills.
  3. Vacuum regularly.

Sometimes a carpet has given everything it can, but cannot smell fresh again- and it’s time to begin looking for a new carpet. That’s where we come in. Here at Carpet Closeouts, we are Phoenix’s premier premium flooring retailer. We pride ourselves on providing you with excellent quality flooring at affordable costs. With costs rising, we are proud to say our prices have stayed affordable! We have many options, including: custom rugsvinyl flooringarea rugshardwood flooring, and natural stone tile! We also offer several specials. To get a quote or to get started on updating your flooring, give us a call at 602-493-7700.